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Profile of Ashikur Rahman
ID No. 233002

Basic Information

Name: Ashikur Rahman

Father's Name: Md Chunna Molla

Mother's Name: Saleha Begum

Gender: Male

Religion: Islam

Date of birth: 20/10/1994

Academic Qualification: BA

Type: Office staff

Designation: Other

Subject : Computer Lab Operator

Date of Joining: 30/11/-0001

Blood: O+

Present Address

Village/Holding No: putia

Post: chandpur Bazar

Word/ Union:

Upazilla/ Thana: Saltha

Zilla: Faridpur

Permanent Address

Village/Holding No: putia

Post: chandpur Bazar

Word/ Union:

Upazilla/ Thana: Saltha

Zilla: Faridpur